So I had my Skype interview on Monday. I feel like it went decently well; they seemed to appreciate a lot of what I had to say and my career goals.
Now I have to wait until Tuesday, July 5th, to find out. At the EARLIEST. They originally said they would let me know at the end of the week, but sent me an email yesterday saying they wouldn't be able to finalize things until the 5th most likely.
I am struggglingggggg. I am not a patient person when it comes to the waiting game.
Please send positive thoughts my way. I REALLY want this job.
Everything else is quiet on the Michigan front.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Would you like some ketchup with your crow?
Pretty much right after I posted on my blog yesterday, the director of advising for the position called me to "chat" and then told me she was going to recommend me for formal interview to the search committee. I was so happy I about DIED. I think God was like "Really? REALLY you are going to panic? Right now? Whatev. I got this."
A very nice woman named MaryJo called this morning to set up the interview, via Skype, on Monday at 1pm.
*proceed to hyperventilate again*
I guess I can tell you a little about the position--it's an advising position in the College of Education, working with the Athletic Training and Kineseology programs. I really enjoyed talking with the director yesterday; she sounds just lovely. And she was kind when my cell phone CUT OUT AS SOON AS I ANSWERED IT and I proceeded to call her office 8938287392 times from my office line until I got hold of her. Grace, she has it. Fo'sho.
So excited. SO FLIPPING EXCITED I COULD JUST EXPLODE. Prayers appreciated!!
Pretty much right after I posted on my blog yesterday, the director of advising for the position called me to "chat" and then told me she was going to recommend me for formal interview to the search committee. I was so happy I about DIED. I think God was like "Really? REALLY you are going to panic? Right now? Whatev. I got this."
A very nice woman named MaryJo called this morning to set up the interview, via Skype, on Monday at 1pm.
*proceed to hyperventilate again*
I guess I can tell you a little about the position--it's an advising position in the College of Education, working with the Athletic Training and Kineseology programs. I really enjoyed talking with the director yesterday; she sounds just lovely. And she was kind when my cell phone CUT OUT AS SOON AS I ANSWERED IT and I proceeded to call her office 8938287392 times from my office line until I got hold of her. Grace, she has it. Fo'sho.
So excited. SO FLIPPING EXCITED I COULD JUST EXPLODE. Prayers appreciated!!
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Job Hunting Woes
I am going nuts.
Really nuts.
You get it. It's REALLY difficult to look for jobs from 1200miles away. I've gotten several calls, but most of them have revoked their offer of interview when they find out I won't be in Michigan in the next few weeks. But in my experience, it has taken MONTHS to hire, so that's why I've been applying now, especially with the academia jobs (advising/admissions positions at MSU).
However, a break in the clouds! Last week, a particular department offering an advising position that is "academic staff" (lumped in with faculty) called my co-worker, CLB, for a reference for me. The next day (Friday), they called my boss, L, who already wrote me a stellar rec letter. I was sitting here both times they called, and promptly flipped out. Obviously I did not listen to their conversation; that's just unprofessional.
I have not heard from them personally. I assume I'm in contention, or why would they bother taking the time to call my references? I know at least the two in my office gave me awesome recs (they are awesome people and I <3 them forever). Maybe they are still debating. Maybe they enjoy making me sweat. Maybe I'm a paraniod nutcase. Maybe they hate me? Maybe I should really stop freaking out every time my iPhone makes my computer buzz.
I also had a phone interview on Monday with another area at MSU. I couldn't get a feel on how it went. I don't like phone interviews--you can't see anyone face-to-face. I am a visual person, I like face-to-face contact. You can tell a lot from facial expressions. It was also a committee--four people. So who knows--one could be talking and the other one could be rolling their eyes and making fun of you! Or, conversely, you could be doodling and making fun of them? I wasn't, obviously, but I guess it's possible. Anyway. Some of the questions were awkward to me--like what would my boss say about me as an employee, and then what would I say about myself? That was hard for me. Because I'm overly criticial, but I'd like to think that L has an accurate idea of my work ethic. I said that I felt I may get too emotionally attached to my students--I get upset when things don't go well for them, and VERY excited when they do. But what can I say? I'm an emotional person. It is what it is.
Anyway. They said they plan to do in-person IVs in about 2 weeks. And have someone in place in July. JULY. Our lease doesn't start til August. But I'd make it work. I would. L is in full support of this, though she is still mad I am leaving and wants me to divorce Dr. Bugs.
I'm nervous I didn't make the cut. I guess I'll find out maybe Friday (I think they are doing phone IVs today and Thursday as well as yesterday), or maybe Monday.
This job thing is really hard on your ego.
In all honesty--I desperately want a job. And I think both of these positions are excellent fits for me, and I would be happy in either of them. I love love love advising students. I just hope the interviewers/people reading my credentials feel the same way.
In other news unrelated to the topic of this post, we have gotten some moving quotes. We looked at Uhaul/Penske/Budget (the DIY route), as well as three moving companies.
The verdict? It will cost almost the same amount to do either. So we will probably hire someone, as MSU is reimbursing us for at least some, if not all, of the move. Just easier to deal with, since we are stopping in Ohio, you can't travel as fast in a truck, I don't want to drive 12 hours then 6 hours alone with two howling felines...
Sometimes, it's just not worth the trouble.
Oh, and if you are one of those employers seeking me out on the InterWebz to see if I'm some kind of psycho/pedophile/felon/nutjob--well, I might be that last one--I appreciate your time and consideration of my materials, and don't you like my blog-posting skillz?
Until next time (which will hopefully be a photo post! Wordless Wednesday perhaps?)...
Really nuts.
You get it. It's REALLY difficult to look for jobs from 1200miles away. I've gotten several calls, but most of them have revoked their offer of interview when they find out I won't be in Michigan in the next few weeks. But in my experience, it has taken MONTHS to hire, so that's why I've been applying now, especially with the academia jobs (advising/admissions positions at MSU).
However, a break in the clouds! Last week, a particular department offering an advising position that is "academic staff" (lumped in with faculty) called my co-worker, CLB, for a reference for me. The next day (Friday), they called my boss, L, who already wrote me a stellar rec letter. I was sitting here both times they called, and promptly flipped out. Obviously I did not listen to their conversation; that's just unprofessional.
I have not heard from them personally. I assume I'm in contention, or why would they bother taking the time to call my references? I know at least the two in my office gave me awesome recs (they are awesome people and I <3 them forever). Maybe they are still debating. Maybe they enjoy making me sweat. Maybe I'm a paraniod nutcase. Maybe they hate me? Maybe I should really stop freaking out every time my iPhone makes my computer buzz.
I also had a phone interview on Monday with another area at MSU. I couldn't get a feel on how it went. I don't like phone interviews--you can't see anyone face-to-face. I am a visual person, I like face-to-face contact. You can tell a lot from facial expressions. It was also a committee--four people. So who knows--one could be talking and the other one could be rolling their eyes and making fun of you! Or, conversely, you could be doodling and making fun of them? I wasn't, obviously, but I guess it's possible. Anyway. Some of the questions were awkward to me--like what would my boss say about me as an employee, and then what would I say about myself? That was hard for me. Because I'm overly criticial, but I'd like to think that L has an accurate idea of my work ethic. I said that I felt I may get too emotionally attached to my students--I get upset when things don't go well for them, and VERY excited when they do. But what can I say? I'm an emotional person. It is what it is.
Anyway. They said they plan to do in-person IVs in about 2 weeks. And have someone in place in July. JULY. Our lease doesn't start til August. But I'd make it work. I would. L is in full support of this, though she is still mad I am leaving and wants me to divorce Dr. Bugs.
I'm nervous I didn't make the cut. I guess I'll find out maybe Friday (I think they are doing phone IVs today and Thursday as well as yesterday), or maybe Monday.
This job thing is really hard on your ego.
In all honesty--I desperately want a job. And I think both of these positions are excellent fits for me, and I would be happy in either of them. I love love love advising students. I just hope the interviewers/people reading my credentials feel the same way.
In other news unrelated to the topic of this post, we have gotten some moving quotes. We looked at Uhaul/Penske/Budget (the DIY route), as well as three moving companies.
The verdict? It will cost almost the same amount to do either. So we will probably hire someone, as MSU is reimbursing us for at least some, if not all, of the move. Just easier to deal with, since we are stopping in Ohio, you can't travel as fast in a truck, I don't want to drive 12 hours then 6 hours alone with two howling felines...
Sometimes, it's just not worth the trouble.
Oh, and if you are one of those employers seeking me out on the InterWebz to see if I'm some kind of psycho/pedophile/felon/nutjob--well, I might be that last one--I appreciate your time and consideration of my materials, and don't you like my blog-posting skillz?
Until next time (which will hopefully be a photo post! Wordless Wednesday perhaps?)...
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Michgan--First Sightings (see also: Why Delta Sucks)
Well! I got my first good look at East Lansing, MI last week! And it's...well, East Lansing is a lot like Gainesville. College-y, diverse. The rest of the Lansing area? Not so much. I've never lived in a city before...a REAL it was very different.
The trip up was long. Georgia is the longest freaking state EVER, followed by Indiana. UGH. But we didn't do them in one day. We left at about 5am, made it to Ohio with relatively little difficulty (only one huge traffic jam), and spent the night with the fabulous Chase and Sarah. We hit the road at 9am the next day and powered it through the 6 1/2 hours to West Michigan. My adorable nephew was at my mother in laws, so we played with him for a bit.
Anyway, you don't care about that, you care about moving and LANSING! We got there on Tuesday, and the MSU campus is HUGE. Way bigger than UF, even though they have less students. It's just really expansive and spread out. We found a great apartment, in a community called Ville Montee'--820sq ft 1 bedroom. Coin laundry, but it's on the same floor so I'll deal with it. It has a really nice porch and a big sliding glass door, so kitties will be quite pleased.
I also found the office of a woman who has been particularly helpful to me in my job hunt. I did not get a position in her office, but she directed me to another position she thinks I would be excellent at (and, lo and behold, I am in consideration! They contacted my coworker for a reference! But, another post that is.). I thanked her in person for her help, and we chatted for a few minutes.
It was HOT HOT HOT in Lansing most of the time we were there. I don't know how people live without AC! Most places didn't have it. But I guess heat is more important than AC there!
Now the interesting part. I wish I had this on video. We flew back from MI, leaving Dr. Bug's car there. Our flight left Grand Rapids at 7am. We got there an hour early (had already checked in, just had to get through security)...and stood in security for an HOUR. We almost missed our flight! We ran and made it, and then they held it for 10 minutes because so many people were still stuck in security. Got to Detroit, got on the flight, all is well. Get to Atlanta...
...our flight to Gainesville has been delayed. Fine, cool, whatever. Then another text message--our flight was CANCELLED. Cancelled?!?! NOOOOOOOOO! I scan my boarding pass in a kiosk, and they print out a phone number and a $6 "meal voucher." SIX BUCKS? Umm so I can buy...a bottle of water? A baggie of peanuts? Maybe a coffee?
I call Delta. They put us on Standby for the next two flights, and confirm us a flight in the morning. First flight, D concourse, so we go from C to D--overbooked. Second flight, back to C concourse--overbooked, asking for volunteers to give up their seat. SIGHHHH. By this point, we had a whole pity party of people hanging out who got kicked off the flight. I made a new friend, named Jess, who is a horse person too--she breeds Arabians and is a blacksmith who is a barefoot expert. She was on her way to a conference in Gainesville from Boston.
Well, the little crew of us got sick of waiting, and we all stormed the Delta counter to demand our hotel and meal vouchers. This group were the ONLY Delta reps who were even remotely nice to us. Jess demanded that she be put in the same hotel as Dr. Bugs and I. We take the shuttle (which we waited 45 minutes for) to the hotel, clean up, and hit the restaurant. More hilarity ensues.
These people didn't even know what was on their own MENU. They told Jess they had onion soup, she ordered it, and got...LOBSTER BISQUE. What? "Oh, we don't have onion soup today." "But you said that was your soup of the day!" "Okay I'll go make you some." "But you just said you didn't HAVE any....just bring me a salad." I got a chicken flatbread, and this chick comes out of the kitchen yelling "Who ordered!" Craig got his salad like 30 minutes before the rest of us got food. What a hot mess.
We finally got home Saturday morning. Jess managed to get on our flight too, even though she wasn't confirmed until a later flight that day.
Sunday I woke up sick. BOO. But I'm better now.
But, I'm starting to get excited about moving. Our lease begins on August 20th! Now we have to figure out how to get our stuff up there--and also what we keep, and what we sell. We will for sure be selling our washer and dryer, our table and chairs (it won't go through a long distance move), our recliner (SNIFF NOOO), a bookshelf or two...
On to the decluttering phase (meaning making my husband not a packrat)...
Stay tuned! Photo post to come!
The trip up was long. Georgia is the longest freaking state EVER, followed by Indiana. UGH. But we didn't do them in one day. We left at about 5am, made it to Ohio with relatively little difficulty (only one huge traffic jam), and spent the night with the fabulous Chase and Sarah. We hit the road at 9am the next day and powered it through the 6 1/2 hours to West Michigan. My adorable nephew was at my mother in laws, so we played with him for a bit.
Anyway, you don't care about that, you care about moving and LANSING! We got there on Tuesday, and the MSU campus is HUGE. Way bigger than UF, even though they have less students. It's just really expansive and spread out. We found a great apartment, in a community called Ville Montee'--820sq ft 1 bedroom. Coin laundry, but it's on the same floor so I'll deal with it. It has a really nice porch and a big sliding glass door, so kitties will be quite pleased.
I also found the office of a woman who has been particularly helpful to me in my job hunt. I did not get a position in her office, but she directed me to another position she thinks I would be excellent at (and, lo and behold, I am in consideration! They contacted my coworker for a reference! But, another post that is.). I thanked her in person for her help, and we chatted for a few minutes.
It was HOT HOT HOT in Lansing most of the time we were there. I don't know how people live without AC! Most places didn't have it. But I guess heat is more important than AC there!
Now the interesting part. I wish I had this on video. We flew back from MI, leaving Dr. Bug's car there. Our flight left Grand Rapids at 7am. We got there an hour early (had already checked in, just had to get through security)...and stood in security for an HOUR. We almost missed our flight! We ran and made it, and then they held it for 10 minutes because so many people were still stuck in security. Got to Detroit, got on the flight, all is well. Get to Atlanta...
...our flight to Gainesville has been delayed. Fine, cool, whatever. Then another text message--our flight was CANCELLED. Cancelled?!?! NOOOOOOOOO! I scan my boarding pass in a kiosk, and they print out a phone number and a $6 "meal voucher." SIX BUCKS? Umm so I can buy...a bottle of water? A baggie of peanuts? Maybe a coffee?
I call Delta. They put us on Standby for the next two flights, and confirm us a flight in the morning. First flight, D concourse, so we go from C to D--overbooked. Second flight, back to C concourse--overbooked, asking for volunteers to give up their seat. SIGHHHH. By this point, we had a whole pity party of people hanging out who got kicked off the flight. I made a new friend, named Jess, who is a horse person too--she breeds Arabians and is a blacksmith who is a barefoot expert. She was on her way to a conference in Gainesville from Boston.
Well, the little crew of us got sick of waiting, and we all stormed the Delta counter to demand our hotel and meal vouchers. This group were the ONLY Delta reps who were even remotely nice to us. Jess demanded that she be put in the same hotel as Dr. Bugs and I. We take the shuttle (which we waited 45 minutes for) to the hotel, clean up, and hit the restaurant. More hilarity ensues.
These people didn't even know what was on their own MENU. They told Jess they had onion soup, she ordered it, and got...LOBSTER BISQUE. What? "Oh, we don't have onion soup today." "But you said that was your soup of the day!" "Okay I'll go make you some." "But you just said you didn't HAVE any....just bring me a salad." I got a chicken flatbread, and this chick comes out of the kitchen yelling "Who ordered!" Craig got his salad like 30 minutes before the rest of us got food. What a hot mess.
We finally got home Saturday morning. Jess managed to get on our flight too, even though she wasn't confirmed until a later flight that day.
Sunday I woke up sick. BOO. But I'm better now.
But, I'm starting to get excited about moving. Our lease begins on August 20th! Now we have to figure out how to get our stuff up there--and also what we keep, and what we sell. We will for sure be selling our washer and dryer, our table and chairs (it won't go through a long distance move), our recliner (SNIFF NOOO), a bookshelf or two...
On to the decluttering phase (meaning making my husband not a packrat)...
Stay tuned! Photo post to come!
Thursday, June 2, 2011
The journey begins...
Twelve hundred miles. Six million, three hundred and thirty-six thousand feet. Seventy-six million, thirty-two thousand inches...
I'll spare you from going through the metric system as well. However, in a few short months, that's how far my husband and I (plus our furbabies, M and J) will be packing up our lives and moving--from sunny, hot (surface of the sun), lovable Gainesville, FL, to what I imagine will be the frozen tundra known as Lansing, MI.
I guess you need the background. Hubby (herein known as Dr. Bugs, due to his degree in entomology) is from western MI, and moved here to do his PhD at the fabulous University of Florida. I moved here from West Palm Beach, FL, to do my undergrad and subsequent grad work. We met at church, fell in love, and ended up hitched. Happy love story, hooray!
Now hubby has a PhD, and is in the wonderful land of postdoctoral work. Enter Michigan State Unviersity (Go Green!), where a certain professor has a certain liking to my husband, and my husband's current boss/professor. Negotiations ensue. And that, ladies and gents, is how we will be moving to Lansing, MI in September 2011, for at least 2 years.
And thus it begins. The apartment hunting, job hunting, packing up our lives, and figuring out how to get all our crap cross-country. Job hunting is particularly stressful, as I really enjoy my position here at UF doing advising, and well...the job market in MI sucks. But that is a different post.
This weekend we will be going up to MI to look for housing, hang out at MSU, meet the church (a sister church to our own), and generally get to know the area, while visiting the in-laws. It's not real yet, but once we sign that lease, I think it will hit me like a ton of bricks.
So stay tuned. I promise photo posts. I promise to update as regularly as possible. It may be a bumpy ride, so please fasten your seat belts, keep all hands and feet inside the vehicle at all times, and hold on tight!
Saturday begins the 19 hour drive. 1140 minutes. 68,400 seconds...
(thank God we are stopping at the 12 hour mark, and flying back!)
I'll spare you from going through the metric system as well. However, in a few short months, that's how far my husband and I (plus our furbabies, M and J) will be packing up our lives and moving--from sunny, hot (surface of the sun), lovable Gainesville, FL, to what I imagine will be the frozen tundra known as Lansing, MI.
I guess you need the background. Hubby (herein known as Dr. Bugs, due to his degree in entomology) is from western MI, and moved here to do his PhD at the fabulous University of Florida. I moved here from West Palm Beach, FL, to do my undergrad and subsequent grad work. We met at church, fell in love, and ended up hitched. Happy love story, hooray!
Now hubby has a PhD, and is in the wonderful land of postdoctoral work. Enter Michigan State Unviersity (Go Green!), where a certain professor has a certain liking to my husband, and my husband's current boss/professor. Negotiations ensue. And that, ladies and gents, is how we will be moving to Lansing, MI in September 2011, for at least 2 years.
And thus it begins. The apartment hunting, job hunting, packing up our lives, and figuring out how to get all our crap cross-country. Job hunting is particularly stressful, as I really enjoy my position here at UF doing advising, and well...the job market in MI sucks. But that is a different post.
This weekend we will be going up to MI to look for housing, hang out at MSU, meet the church (a sister church to our own), and generally get to know the area, while visiting the in-laws. It's not real yet, but once we sign that lease, I think it will hit me like a ton of bricks.
So stay tuned. I promise photo posts. I promise to update as regularly as possible. It may be a bumpy ride, so please fasten your seat belts, keep all hands and feet inside the vehicle at all times, and hold on tight!
Saturday begins the 19 hour drive. 1140 minutes. 68,400 seconds...
(thank God we are stopping at the 12 hour mark, and flying back!)
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